
Despite the Rain, We Discovered Wonderful Memories

By Ian Z. Group 3

Today may have been the most miserable day along the Camino, only because it was raining — not too much, and by the afternoon it cleared up. However, walking in the rain with all our Camino gear was a bit of a drag. My partner and I made many stops at the local cafes along the way. I met several interesting people, including an Irish woman who said, “You’ll have to come to Ireland, there’s loads of crack in Ireland!” In Ireland, spelled craic, it is pronounced the same as crack yet means fun. I had loads of fun conversations with her.

My walking partner and I made it to Melide and got completely lost in the town. We eventually found our hotel which was ran by two of the sweetest abuelas. Even though they spoke no English at all, they were very sweet and took great care of us. They also cooked delicious food! Our room was very nice and the town of Melide was pretty and exotic.