
My Calling Was Simple

By Nicholas I.
Group 1

I think the two most important things I am bringing on this trip are probably the moleskin for blister protection and my comfortable boots that will hopefully not give me the blisters I’m hoping to prevent. Even with the strong chance of getting horrible blisters, I am still extremely determined and excited for this trip. This excitement has to be from the first three stages that Phil Cousineau discusses in his book, The Art of Pilgrimage. Cousineau calls these first three stages: the longing, the calling, and the departure. My longing for this trip stems from my fascination with religious studies and my desire to study the world’s religions. My calling was very simple, I was in Dr. Sheffler’s class about a year ago when he gave a presentation on this trip and I knew at that moment that I would get to study firsthand one of the most important activities in any religion, pilgrimage. As for my departure, I have not left just yet but I am finishing my packing and mentally already half way to Spain. Now, I cannot wait to experience the Camino de Santiago de Compostela!