
I’ve Never Had to Pack This Thoroughly Before

By William G.
Group 6

Now that we have started to get into the class and talk about the trip, it is hitting me that we are actually about to leave. Since this is my first time traveling outside of the country, I’m both excited and nervous; excited about experiencing something different, and nervous about not being able to adjust to something so far outside of my comfort zone. However, the readings we have done and the discussions we have had in class have made me feel much more confident about the trip as a whole.

Getting ready for the pilgrimage hasn’t exactly been easy. I’ve never really had to pack this thoroughly before, and making decisions about what I do and don’t need has been rather tricky. I managed to take up all the room in my backpack and fit more than I thought possible.

Overall I’m excited about what this experience will do for me. I hope it will allow me to learn more about both myself and the world outside of the United States. From all accounts and past experiences that I’ve heard about, the Camino seems like a an ideal place and opportunity to do some true inner reflection.