By Nick Iorio
Group 1
This trip to Spain was an amazing experience and I am so glad that I was able to attend. I learned so much and met so many wonderful people both inside and outside of the class I am so grateful to have met. Now that I am back at home, I have taken some time to reflect on all my experiences that occurred during the trip. While most of my reflections are rather personal, one of the most important reflections I made from this trip is on how anxious I can be and how I can get better at it. From walking the Camino with a care free attitude and reflecting on every step, I feel that I am now better able to control my anxiety and I feel like the Camino is heavily responsible for that. Walking the Camino was such an enjoyable experience.
I never realized how much I loved Spain until I visited and although I could have stayed for another month, I am glad to be home. Through the whole trip, I feel like I made some good friends and I am excited to see them once again in the states. I am also glad to see all my friends and family again after being away from home for nearly a month and to hear all the new things going on with their lives. I did not make this reflection until I was back at home for a couple days but also being away for a few weeks made me appreciate home more because while I was gone I had the opportunity to think about what is really important to me at home and that is a nice realization. In the end however, I enjoyed every last moment on this trip and the realizations I concluded along the way have helped me as a person and will be with me for always. I’d recommend walking the Camino to anyone and to anyone that is thinking of doing so, Buen Camino!