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Pilgrims Hiking through Forest
A typical view of pilgrims hiking through forests in Galicia.
Camino Café
You can find many cafés on the Camino to stop and get a drink, food, and most especially, to take rest.
O Leboreiro: cruceiro
(O leboreiro: cross)
A stone cross (cruceiro) welcomes pilgrims and leads to the main street, which is flanked by a number of traditional stone houses.
Iglesia de Santa María de Leboreiro
(Church of Santa María de Leboreiro)
The Iglesia de Santa María de Leboreiro (Romanesque, 12th century) stands outside the town of O Leboreiro. The interior features a 14th century image of Our Lady and a panel of mural painting made in the second third of the 16th century, with depictions of the Flagellation of Christ, the Visitation of Mary to St. Elizabeth and the Martyrdom of St. Sebastian.
Eucalyptus Plantation Near Palas de Rei
Used for pulp and furniture, the first commercial eucalyptus plantations begin just west of Palas de Rei and increasingly dominate the landscape the rest of the way to Santiago.
Tree Farm Near Arzúa
A nearly perfect tree farm on the Camino.